Summary Duke
Nukem 3D Build Download
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Make a moving sector (underground or car)
Create a white sector; make a red sector who will be the car, and put
it the value 1,0
Put a Sector effector S
on the car, and put it the value 0,6. for many wagons on a train, do the
same, but with a sector effector of value
Put locators L+
the first is the first point where the car will stop. Put it the value
1,0. The 1 is to stop. then you put others locators L+
of value 0,1 then 0,2 , and this is the way of the train.
If you have 1.4 version or later, you can put a motor sound
to a car with the musicandsfx M
of value (8000!379), 8000 is the distance. if you don't put this
you will hear a train.
Put a lot of locators, because if you haven't got enought
somewhere you can moved there.
You can put differents way for the cars, but not in the
same sector.
Summary Duke
Nukem 3D Build Download
my maps Download your maps WebMaster Page Perso