Summary  Duke Nukem 3D  Build  Download my maps  Download your maps  WebMaster  Page Perso

Links to others pages of Duke Nukem 3D

If you have a site about Duke Nukem, or something who have a liaison to this game, Send me the URL of your page, or a link: image (not too big, in gif), link HTML, ImageMap..., but no JavaScript, Applet Java, VBscript ...
I will send you a link to my page.

To download maps:
A very big choice of maps
For informations:
 3D Realms:
The page of the authors of Duke Nukem 3D.
For informations about duke4ever:
The official page of Duke Nukem ForEver.
Pages of Duke Nukem 3D:
The Bug Team
A very good site, to visit...
A page about Duke Nukem and Duke4ever, where you will find maps, RTS... for Duke Nukem 3D, and informations about Duke4ever.
Games pages with a rubric Duke:
A page about Duke Nukem, StarCraft, Build...

 Summary  Duke Nukem 3D  Build  Download my maps  Download your maps  WebMaster  Page Perso