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Use the cams:

To see what the others players are doing in all the level, you must place sprites (x!y) with the texture of the cam (the first), where x is the angle of rotation of the cam, and y a value wjo is the number of the cam. You must rotate the sprite to the direction you want to see.
Where you want to place the screen, put a sector of the size of the screen. The back of this sector must have the texture of the brake screen (texture number 501), then, in the middle of this sector a sprite (y!0) with the exactly same size than the sector. This sprite must have the texture of the screen(texture number 502), where "y" is the same number as the cams t see in this screen (many cams can have the same number), and then you put a glass in front of it. You must finish in 2D mode: presse the [B] and [Ctrl-H] key on the sprite of the screen and on the glass, so it must broke when you shoot it.

 Summary  Duke Nukem 3D  Build  Download my maps  Download your maps  WebMaster  Page Perso